
Transportation Information

For more information about train and bus schedules and fares, contact the appropriate agency below.

Regional bus, light rail and subway.

Amtrak, the national rail operator, connects America with regional and interstate routes.

Heavy rail service connecting five Southern California counties.

Premium bus service with trips to Fresno, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Ysidro and Yuma. Departure and Arrival Information: Greyhound departures are located in Union Station East off of N. Vignes Street at Patsaouras Bus Plaza, Bus Bay #8. Arrivals are at historic Union Station West off Alameda Street.

Bus service directly to Los Angeles International Airport.

Free home game shuttle service between Union Station and Dodger Stadium.

Automobile rental company with locations worldwide

Automobile rental company with locations worldwide

Mobile-powered ride hailing service.

Mobile-powered ride hailing service.

Membership car share service with vehicles located to the right of the entrance to lot G.

Pick-up and drop-off stand is located in front of historic Union Station West. No taxis are waiting for customers. Please request a taxi by phone or phone app.

Located in Lot B – Alameda Entrance in Union Station West and on the Southeast corner of Cesar E. Chavez Ave. and Vignes St. in Union Station East.

Secure bike parking and rentals.